Let ??????? ???? learn how to use the exercise machine and tips to get the best results
Step 1: Put your feet up, toes open at an angle of 30⁰

Step 2: Open the pedal latch up so that the foot does not lock the knee joint

Step 3: Inhale and squeeze the core (core of gravity) and slowly lower your legs so that your shins and thighs are 90⁰ square. Then, pedal back to the original position

Step 4: Repeat the movement 8-12 times / set, between sets should rest for 60-90 seconds and perform 3-4 sets.
Customers can contact PT directly for the most specific instructions, for any questions, contact Hotline: 0243.743.0666 or inbox Ciputra Club directly: m.me/CiputraClubHanoi